a needle felted chicken attached to an old salvaged hoosier cabinet door |
an old teacup, several old silver plated spoons hung from an old board sign in colors I very seldom use, very springy |
an old bench Kris and I found is the perfect spot cushioned by a tombstone angel |
a chicken in progress, destined for an old cabinet door |
a fish pattern from Kay, turned into a fanciful trout as a gift for my husband |
some of the new Heaven to Betsy wools we got in the shop they are just awesome, I already have several projects in mind |
On the first Monday of the month Kris and I head down to Duluth for our rug hooking club meeting. I remembered to bring everyone's wool that they ordered, some of my projects and something to work on but I forgot my camera!!!
Everyone brought their projects, very short meeting, much gabbing, a little hooking, a wonderful lunch... it was great!!
Seeing as how I had no camera, here are some of my latest projects...
The new wools we have been getting in at the shop are just beautiful! I already have several ideas in mind and I am working on paying closer attention to putting things down on paper and taking pictures so they can be made into patterns!! Hoooo rah!! that really is a big achievement for me. Kris always asks me if I remembered to do a pattern and I hate to tell her that I never even think of it.