Thursday, December 29, 2011

A look around the shop

The handiest wall box....

Some shabby cottage gold...

A wool felt wall tag...

A collection of Boyds moose...

Loons and northwoods...

Pink wool makedo pincushion with vintage scissors...

Tea cups and saucers and cream and sugar sets...

And vintage kodak cameras and a baby ben
Today is a bit cooler, we had about an inch of snow last night and the new year is fast approaching...
We would like to take this time to wish you a healthy and happy new year and to let you know how much we appreciate you all.

Sue & Tina

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving revisited...

Where has the time gone?? I think I must say that every time I have a chance to get time on my computer, but again it has just flown by...

A collection of old clocks...
I think it is something about the faces
Grandma's old china hutch, a hard working
old mixer, a silly little fan and
the old standby coffee grinder
My house... 

Last weekend as I contemplated putting away my fall decorations I decided to get out my camera and share a few of my favorite fall decorations and then had so much fun that I continued to take more pictures. This weekend we will put up our christmas stuff and start getting ready for the holidays. So far we really have no snow, just a dusting here and there - kind of makes it feel a bit strange to put out the luminary candles on the grass!! ha-ha.. Northern Minnesota just really should have snow, it just kind of gets you in the mood to pull out the old ornaments...

A motley collection of kitchen stuff

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A prim santa with a blackend wax ornament

Blackend wax tree ornaments waiting for wire hanger loops,
they smell so good...

More molds waiting to be filled
Last weekend was our Holiday Open House at the shop and we had a great turnout despite some bad weather. I think we are in a quiet area for interest in primitives, but are gradually gaining a small following. There is something about the feel and spirit of primitives that gets me and I am always thrilled to find the kindred souls...

The last craft show we vended at was the week before last (great fun!!) and now things will hopefully be back to a more normal pace!!

Have been busy as usual making more fun stuff for the shop...

Thanksgiving is at our house this year, so best get a little cleaning and baking done. Austin says he is cooking again this year!! so I know it will be wonderful...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

This has been such a busy week already!! Kris took care of the shop for me on Monday so I could be with Tina when she went in for surgery on her neck. (She is doing pretty good and is back to work today - tough Finn woman!! Yesterday I pretty much spent the day finishing up some projects and visiting.

An old wooden crate, some old chair legs and ta-da!! an off the floor display for bolts of rug hooking backing!!
This is an old divided cupboard Kris unearthed from the bowels of her garage!! Many scrubbings later, some cut up music pages for shelf liner and some old numbers tacked on and it looks pretty cool!! It's working pretty good to corral some of the small things that just get lost otherwise.

The old icebox is looking pretty good too with the addition of a few signs Barb got painted. When her aunties asked if we wanted to haul away the old boards that were going to the landfill I knew we would be able to put them to good use!!

Everyone have a great day... I'm off on another project (have some wax heating up in the back room)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

 I have so many projects started and a ton saved up to work on this winter!! A little wooden thing we scavenged up. I'm not sure what it was originally intended to be but now it is all painted and fitted with an old wire basket all ready to tote around a sewing or hooking project.

Here is one of the barn boards with a wire handle, a hooked star and two star hooks to hang things on. I have had so much fun deciding what to do next.

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 9, 2011

Where has the time gone!! We have been so busy getting ready for the Autumn Valley Hook-In in Stillwater coming up October first. I am so excited, this is the first year I will be a vendor instead of a customer!! I have so many projects going now, I hardly know what to do next. I'm sure I will never be ready. Yesterday I dyed some beautiful rusty orange wool to felt up a batch of pumpkins to take and wanted to share a picture. These are the days I really appreciate having a drum carder - well I remember how many hours it took to card the wool with the hand carders that I can now card in minutes. Sometimes I really miss those lazy, slower paced days...

Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19

The Moo cat making sure everything meets his approval...

Tonight Kris and I had a great time digging into our wool stash and trying out some new dye recipes!! The results were awesome, we're already planning some fall and christmas hooking projects.

Inspiration colors
A few more projects in the works

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 17, 2011

Here are some of our fun primitive finds!! Future projects in the making. If we have as much fun transforming them as we had digging them up... awesome.  Will keep you posted...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

August 14

We were back out digging again today and found some more really fun stuff!! Can't wait to have some time to do some cleaning up and repurposing!! So many ideas and so little time...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August 9, 2011

Yesterday my friend Kris and I went digging for treasures, we found some very primitive (he-he, really grubby) stuff. Will post pictures later for some before and after makeover ideas. You never know what you might find hiding under the pile!!